OriginArt is NOW CLOSED!




What if you could stand out with a distinctive art style and be paid what it's really worth?

Enter your email below to be notified FIRST once we open up the doors to the OriginArt membership, so that you too can tap into a community of like minded artists who are together learning how to make their most authentic unique work to increase their prices, and reach ideal collector who loves their artwork as much as they do.


which of these sounds familiar?

You want to make your most authentic work with a distinctive style and be rewarded for all the effort and time you put in,

but instead find yourself doing this...

New to selling your art or struggling to make consistent sales?

Comparing Yourself: Constantly measuring your art against others, leading to self doubt.

Endless Scrolling: Spending hours on social media searching for inspiration, often feeling overwhelmed.

Popularity Pressure: Feeling the need to create what's currently in demand, stifling your authentic expression.

Unfinished or Not-Quite-Right Art: Struggling to complete your artwork, unsure if it's ready for sale, and having a collection of pieces you're not satisfied with or hesitate to share.

Social Media Crickets: Feeling invisible. Struggling to stand out in the crowded online art world.

Slow Sales: Watching sales stagnate or never get sales off the ground and resorting to discounting your work.

Emulating Influential Artists: Taking courses with artists whose work you admire, only to feel like you end up creating copies of their work?

Techniques vs. Style: Learning various studio techniques but struggling to develop your unique style.

Marketing Overwhelm: Collecting marketing and business tactics but feeling lost on how to use them effectively.

SelfDoubt: Questioning your abilities and lacking a clear focus and wondering if you're cut out for it.

Fear of Taking Risks: Worried about ruining your art with every move, yet chasing that one perfect piece.

Overwhelmed by Ideas: Drowning in a sea of ideas and pulled in too many directions.

Oversaturated Market: Feeling discouraged in a crowded and competitive art market.

Been at it a while but feeling stuck, uninspired, and hustling without the results you deserve? Ready to breakthrough to premium prices?

Which of these sounds familiar?

→ You've poured your heart and soul into your art, but it feels like you're constantly underpricing or discounting your work just to make a sale.

→ You've partnered with galleries, hoping they would be your ticket to success, but your work gets lost in the shuffle, leaving you feeling unseen and unappreciated.

→ You're tired of your art being treated as just another product on a shelf, stripped of its meaning and value. You long for your work to be cherished for its unique story and emotional power.

→ You know in your heart you are a unique artist with a distinct vision, but you feel suffocated by the crowded market, struggling to stand out and make your mark.

→ You dream of charging premium prices for your art, prices that reflect its true value and the countless hours of passion and skill you've invested.

→ You want to be recognized by your peers and be selected for prestigious art prizes and exhibitions, but the competition feels overwhelming and the path to success unclear.

→ You've worked tirelessly to build your art business, but the constant hustle and grind has left you feeling depleted and uninspired.

→ You crave a slower, more intentional pace that allows you to reconnect with your creative spirit and produce work that truly reflects your soul.

→ You have a deep well of creative ideas, but you feel stuck in a rut, unable to translate your vision into a cohesive body of work that will take you to the next level.

→ You long for a supportive community of fellow artists who understand your struggles and can offer genuine encouragement and guidance.

  • Comparing Yourself: Constantly measuring your art against others, leading to self doubt.

  • Endless Scrolling: Spending hours on social media searching for inspiration, often feeling overwhelmed.

  • Popularity Pressure: Feeling the need to create what's currently in demand, stifling your authentic expression.

  • Unfinished or Not-Quite-Right Art: Struggling to complete your artwork, unsure if it's ready for sale, and having a collection of pieces you're not satisfied with or hesitate to share.

  • Social Media Invisibility: Struggling to stand out in the crowded online art world.

  • Slow Sales: Watching sales stagnate and resorting to discounting your work.

  • Emulating Influential Artists: Taking courses with artists whose work you admire, only to feel like you end up creating copies of their work?

  • Techniques vs. Style: Learning various studio techniques but struggling to develop your unique style.

  • Marketing Overwhelm: Collecting marketing and business tactics but feeling lost on how to use them effectively.

  • SelfDoubt: Questioning your abilities and lacking a clear focus.

  • Fear of Taking Risks: Worried about ruining your art with every move, yet chasing that one perfect piece.

  • Overwhelmed by Ideas: Drowning in a sea of ideas and pulled in too many directions.

  • Oversaturated Market: Feeling discouraged in a crowded and competitive art market.

I get it - I've been there too!
In fact many experienced artists struggle with these problems, you're not alone.

There's a better way! what if


there was a different way? A path that allows you to embrace your authentic artistic expression, connect with your ideal audience, and build a thriving art business that nourishes your soul and your bank account?

Crafting a sellable art offer using your unique voice is the quickest way to a profitable business.

that's what

OriginArt is all about

Craft a Sellable Art Offer That Reflects Your Unique Voice & Unlock a Thriving Art Business


Find Your Unique Style or Evolve and Innovate Your Existing One

  • Access 20+ hours of the "Inspiration to Creation" system, self-paced thought provoking process, organised into specialised Studios (Colour, Expression, Texture, Finishing) to help you unlock your authentic artistic voice and develop a signature style that sets you apart. Overcome the overwhelm of endless possibilities and gain clarity on your artistic direction.
    ($997 Value)

  • Receive feedback and guidance to refine your creative process and produce work that resonates deeply with you & your ideal audience. Build confidence in your abilities and overcome the fear of not being "good enough". ($127 Value)



Elevate Your Art Business and Attract Ideal Collectors

  • Gain a competitive edge with our exclusive Trend Research Reports, uncovering trends that align with your unique artistic vision and resonate with your ideal audience. Stay ahead of the curve and create work that's both authentic and in demand. ($297 Value Exclusive to OriginArt)

  • Master the art of creating high-value collections that tell a captivating story and command premium prices. Learn how to strategically plan, develop, and market your collections to maximise impact and profitability. Utilise our "Crafting a Cohesive Series: The Collections Concept Planner" and "Mastering Profitable Collections Guide" to elevate your offerings. ($197 Value)

  • Leverage our Audience Match Making & Growth Action guides. Visualise and grow your ideal audience to attract them to you instead of chasing viral reels. ($247 Value)

  • A resource vault of goodies including professionalising tools, done-for-you social media post planner, email templates & Canva templates, lessons and support

  • Bi-Monthly LIVE Q&As + Access to a Private Community
    ($297 value)

  • BONUS: Special Bonus Workshops to help make progress ($197)



3 life changing steps


Develop your unique authentic voice, and create a thriving art business that attracts loyal collectors.

Authentic Essence


Uncover your unique artistic voice through our AUTHENTIC CORE discovery framework creating work that is unmistakably yours and stands out from the crowd.

Artistic Evolution


Create art collections that you love and that captivate your dream collectors. Master your creative, inspiration to creation process to create a profound, so that you can increase your prices and make a lasting shift in your artistic identity unlocking untapped potential.

Selling Your Art


Connect your work with your ideal collectors who adore it and are ready to invest in your unique vision – so that you can finally avoid selling to people who don't get what you do.


Find Your Artistic Truth and Express it Fearlessly

  • Embrace a slower, more intentional creative process that allows you to reconnect with your inspiration and create art from a place of joy and authenticity.

  • Uncover your unique artistic voice and create work that not only sets you apart from the crowd but also resonates deeply with your ideal audience. This is the foundation for crafting a sellable art offer that attracts and captivates your dream collectors. Access our 'INSPIRATION to CREATION System' (valued at $997)

  • Embrace and nurture the inspirations that resonate deeply with your essence – by tapping into our Self-Discovery process for real breakthroughs

  • Transform your personal experiences and perspectives into captivating art pieces that resonate with your ideal audience.


From Scattered Pieces to Profitable Collections

Price confidently to avoid underselling

  • Carve out your own space in the crowded art market, establishing a distinctive brand that attracts high-value collectors who resonate with your unique vision.

  • Develop tailored processes that nurture originality and innovation, ensuring your work remains fresh, captivating, and highly desirable. Tap into our 'Finishing Studio' to pull together the artwork that only you can make and you love that meets your ideal collector at the sweet spot.

  • Learn to 'validate' your ideas before you bring them to market, ensuring you create work that your audience craves and increasing your chances of success.

  • Create COLLECTIONS that tell a compelling story and command premium prices, maximizing your earning potential and establishing you as a sought-after artist. Utilize our "Crafting a Cohesive Series: The Collections Concept Planner" and "Mastering Profitable Collections" guides to elevate your offerings.


Make a Real Connection with Your Ideal Collectors

Without selling your soul on Instagram

  • By crafting a sellable art offer that reflects your unique voice, you'll be able to identify and connect with your ideal buyers through our "Audience Matchmaking" process, building genuine relationships that foster loyalty and long-term support.

  • Position yourself for success with galleries and collectors by elevating your online presence and crafting a compelling brand story.

  • Curate captivating solo shows that not only showcase your unique vision but also generate significant sales and media attention, further solidifying your position in the market.

  • Master the art of pricing and selling your work, ensuring you're compensated fairly for your time, talent, and expertise. Gain the tools and knowledge to confidently set premium prices that reflect the true value of your art.


Hi, I'm Michele Luminato

Truth be told, I was a terrible painter when I started. Even with art school and business experience, my skills and paintings weren't getting premium prices. I felt lost in the crowd, discounting my work and questioning my artistic voice.

But then, everything changed. I slowed down, dug deep, and uncovered my unique artistic truth. My prices soared - from struggling to sell small works for $65 to consistently selling small works for over $1,000! I finally had a solo show that showcased my authentic self and attracted the ideal collectors I used to dream about.

How did this happen? I fused my art school creativity with business acumen gained from helping create products for Nike. I realized the power of a unique point of view and a deep understanding of your audience. This is the formula I now teach in OriginArt.

I'm here to guide you on your own journey of artistic and financial fulfillment.

In OriginArt, you'll discover your unique voice, learn to connect with your ideal audience, and create art you love that commands the prices you deserve.

join the OriginArt waitlist now

Where we support you and help you to make your art dreams a reality.


The OriginArt Method

The membership is built on a foundational framework taught through a series of lessons and resources.

  • Your Unique Artistic Essence - Discovering What You Are All About

  • Pouring That Unique Voice Into Your Inspiration To Creation Process To Craft Compelling Art

  • How To Attract And Grow An Audience That Love Your Art Like You Do....

When you combine these three powerful pillars, you can build the artist’s life you really want—feeling confident in your work and the value you create, and growing an audience of collectors willing to pay a premium for your art.

Authentic Core

Uncover who you really are as a artist – creating a vision that is in alignment with your truest self.

Inspiration to Creation

Making work that YOU actually care about that is inspiring, creating an abundance of innovative ideas that are ideal for your collectors and unlocks a sustainable art business.

Profit Systems

Optimising your art series and business to attract your dream clients who are obsessed with your work as much as you.


I have joined, tried and failed (and spent tooo much money) on many art course/communities in the past that have made NO difference. I often last about a month and figure out it’s not for me. However Origin has felt different - and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon! And this is why.

“Win - Receiving “the permission” to slow down and not “do all the things”. Aka: Realistic expectation on time and well being.

Michele does not promote/encourage hustle or burn out culture. The Inspiration to Creation process actually encourages the opposite. To slow down, to dig deep and look at what really inspires and feels like you completely. Win - I have found my love for creating again, just for me! It's a community that understands the realities of life beyond art making, that its not the only thing (although it is the best hahaha) - For example - there are live calls, however they are recorded, so if you can’t make the time, they are always there and available.
- Danielle Grund

"Working with Michele has opened my eyes in so many ways and continues to do so the more we work together. I have pushed my work further than I ever thought was possible."

“When I first started out, I was using low quality materials and my colour palette was naïve and limited. Working with Michele has opened my eyes in so many ways and continues to do so the more we work together. I have pushed my work further than I ever thought was possible and have successfully created and sold large scale paintings after working small and floundering for so long. I continue to learn more from Michele to upskill the ways I approach my work and business processes.” - Artist privacy protected

The ongoing support and self course-correcting coaching has helped with confidence in business decision making too. I have felt momentum and experienced growth happening.

Michele continues to help me to get out of my own way by hearing and understanding the struggles and painful mental blocks that often come up - usually around my own creative value and identity changes. Being able to see gradual shifts in the work as a welcome part of the process is super hard to do in your own little studio bubble but it’s so important for long-term success.
The ongoing support and self course-correcting coaching has helped with confidence in business decision making too. I have felt momentum and experienced growth happening. It makes me happy to know I can easily gain clarity and put energy I might have wasted on overthinking into creating new work. Thanks Michele!” - Belinda Marshall

"I've been playing around for years and felt I was just drifting but now I can have some focus on where I'm heading to move towards a full-time art career."

“I was a member of a high-end charging coaching course and did not even get any personal feedback. Michele’s course was recommended by an artist friend and I’m glad I changed coaching programs. I’m steadily going through the classes and Michele offers her heart centered insights along the way. In the first month, I have gained a lot more clarity on what I want to express in my art and how. I’ve been playing around for years and felt I was just drifting but now I can have some focus on where I’m heading to move towards a full time art career. And I am a part of Michele's small and talented supportive community." - Colleen Martin

"When I say… life changing …I really mean it."

"It’s been an eye opening journey for me so far. When I say…life changing…I really mean it.
I never thought I would say that…but it’s true. Thank you soooo much Michele for all your kindness and support. I feel that I’m opening up more than ever before. This is a total win for me. Many thanks!”

- Alison S.

"Seeing transformational growth of everyone in the group"

"Such an awesome and inspirational group. Seeing the transformation and growth of everyone in the group is wonderful. The support and advice is not only priceless but more importantly heartwarming and soul soaring. Michele you have created something really special. You should be proud and I am so grateful!"

- Georgi H.

"The most profound thing that I learned was to be your own authentic voice !"

" I joined Michele's community and have recharged my creative journey. With Michele's encouragement and support (so much love!) I even managed to tackle a new website! The most profound thing that I learned was to be your own authentic voice! So many wonderful workshops and advice. Mentoring with Michele has been really inspirational for me. Grateful!"

- Stella Z.

"Best thing you do for your artistic development "

"If you are a creative, it will be the best thing you do for your artistic development. I am so grateful to have this group and Michele's fantastic and generous guidance."

- Lynelle M.

This is the best thing I have done for my art!!!

"Without a doubt, this course is a complete "Game Changer". This is the best thing I have done for my art!!!"

- Tracy W.

This course is a life changer in so many ways !!

"This course is a life changer in so many ways!! Let you see the light, permission to be you, great community, no judgement just honesty."

- TF

"You are so real and generous with your knowledge"

"So grateful to learn from you. Love our art chats and so inspired by everything going on here."

"I'm so grateful to be part of this group, you bring such authenticity, heart, experience, knowledge and fun."

Join us in the community now! We can't wait to see you on the inside.


Can I cancel anytime?

YES! Absolutely no lock in contracts, or gimmicks. If you don't see the value in the membership, you can easily duck out. Of course, we will miss you, but we get that it's not for everyone. Once you notify us - please allow 2 days to make sure your request is processed.

What if I can't attend the LIVE calls, does it impact how much help and progress I can make?

No problem at all if you can't attend the LIVE calls. We have many members who can't and they watch the REPLAYS on their own schedule. We designed the membership to work around your busy schedule and know that you are probably multi-tasking all the time. In the case that you have a question you want answered on a call, you submit your question on a post in the community and I will get back to you through the REPLAY or a personalised video.

I'm not in Australia, how does this work for me?

Members have come from Australia, the UK, Netherlands, Buenos Aires, Canada and the USA to name a few. We are global and work to accomodate everyone no matter where they are located. We create a personalised plan so you can make specific progress no matter where you at in the world.

I'm an introvert, do I need to be on camera or calls to get the most out of it?

No, not necessarily! Many of us are introverts and how you want to show up is fine by us! No requirements at all. We are an easy bunch, and you doing YOU is best for everyone. Since most of us feel the same way, you might be surprised to how easily you warm up to us! ;-)

How much time do I need to do this?

This program is self-paced. You can go as fast as you like or as slow as you like. The material is there for you to watch and take in as you prioritise it in your schedule. We work in stages so you know exactly what to focus on given your goals. Even one hour a week will help you make progress, no rules - it's up to you. I am in the community every day so if you are super eager, I'll be right there with you. Momentum comes from constant action and if you find you want an extra accountability partner - you can join the 'accountability' thread for additional support.


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